File Navigator
This beginner guide walks you through building a simple file navigation widget. It takes about 25 minutes to complete. It was written with CanJS 5.22.0. Check out the File Navigator for an example that makes AJAX requests for its data and uses can-component.
The final widget looks like:
See the Pen File Navigator simple [Finished] by Bitovi (@bitovi) on CodePen.
Click ROOT/
to see its files and folders.
Note: If you don’t see any files show up, run the CodePen again. This CodePen uses randomly generated files, so it’s possible nothing shows up.
Start this tutorial by cloning the following CodePen:
See the Pen File Navigator simple [Starter] by Bitovi (@bitovi) on CodePen.
This CodePen has initial prototype HTML and CSS which is useful for getting the application to look right.
The following sections are broken down into:
- Problem - A description of what the section is trying to accomplish.
- Things to know - Information about CanJS that is useful for solving the problem.
- Solution - The solution to the problem.
- Test it (uncommon) - How to make sure the solution works.
Understand the data
There is a randomly generated rootEntityData
variable that contains a nested structure of
folders and files. It looks like:
"id": "0",
"name": "ROOT/",
"hasChildren": true,
"type": "folder",
"children": [
"id": "1", "name": "File 1",
"parentId": "0",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "2", "name": "File 2",
"parentId": "0",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "3", "name": "Folder 3",
"parentId": "0",
"type": "folder",
"hasChildren": true,
"children": [
"id": "4", "name": "File 4",
"parentId": "3",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "5", "name": "File 5",
"parentId": "3",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "6", "name": "File 6",
"parentId": "3",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "7", "name": "File 7",
"parentId": "3",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
"id": "8", "name": "Folder 8",
"parentId": "3",
"type": "folder",
"hasChildren": false,
"children": []
"id": "9", "name": "File 9",
"parentId": "0",
"type": "file",
"hasChildren": false
Notice that entities have the following properties:
- id - a unique id
- name - the name of the file or folder
- type - if this entity a "file" or "folder"
- hasChildren - if this entity has children
- children - An array of the child file and folder entities for this folder
Render the root folder and its contents
The problem
Let’s render rootEntityData
in the page with its immediate children.
What you need to know
CanJS uses can-component to render data in a template and keep it updated. Templates can be authored in the Component
property like:Component.extend({ tag: "my-component", view: `TEMPLATE CONTENT` });
A Component view is a can-stache template that uses {{key}} magic tags to insert data into the HTML output like:
Component.extend({ tag: "my-component", view: `TEMPLATE CONTENT` });
Use can-define/map/map to model Component data as ViewModel.
Use {{#if(value)}} to do
branching in can-stache.Use {{#for(of)}} to do looping in can-stache.
Use {{#eq(value1, value2)}} to test equality in can-stache.
{{./key}} only returns the value in the current scope.
Write a
to contain all the files. Within the<ul>
there should be:- An
with a className that includesfile
if the folder has children. - The
should have📝 <span>{{FILE_NAME}}</span>
if a file and📁 <span>{{FOLDER_NAME}}</span>
if a folder.
- An
The solution
Update the HTML tab to:
<script src="//"></script>
let entityId = 1;
const makeEntities = function(parentId, depth) {
if (depth > 5) {
return [];
const entitiesCount = can.fixture.rand(6);
const entities = [];
for (let i = 0; i < entitiesCount; i++) {
// The id for this entity
const id = "" + (entityId++);
// If the entity is a folder or file
const isFolder = Math.random() > 0.3;
// The children for this folder.
const children = isFolder ? makeEntities(id, depth + 1) : [];
const entity = {
id: id,
name: (isFolder ? "Folder" : "File") + " " + id,
parentId: parentId,
type: (isFolder ? "folder" : "file"),
hasChildren: children.length ? true : false
if (isFolder) {
entity.children = children;
return entities;
window.rootEntityData = {
id: "0",
name: "ROOT/",
hasChildren: true,
type: "folder",
children: makeEntities("0", 0)
Update the JavaScript tab to:
import { Component } from "//";
tag: "file-navigator",
view: `
{{# for(child of this.rootEntity.children) }}
<li class="{{child.type}} {{# if(child.hasChildren) }}hasChildren{{/ if }}">
{{# eq(child.type, 'file')}}
📝 <span>{{}}</span>
📁 <span>{{}}</span>
{{/ eq}}
{{/ for }}
ViewModel: {
rootEntity: {
default: () => {
return rootEntityData;
Render all the files and folders
The Problem
Now let’s render all of the files and folders! This means we want to render the files and folders recursively. Every time we find a folder, we need to render its contents.
Things to know
A template can call out to another registered partial template with {{>PARTIAL_NAME}} like the following:
You can register an inline named partial within the current template {{<PARTIAL_NAME}} like the following:
Component.extend({ tag: "my-component", view: `{{<partialView}} BLOCK {{/partialView}}` });
The registered inline named partial can be called recursively like the following:
<div>{{name}} <b>Type:</b> {{#if(nodes.length)}}Branch{{else}}Leaf{{/if}}</div>
{{# for (node of nodes) }}
{{/ for }}
{{>recursiveView yayRecursion}}`
The Solution
Update the JAVSCRIPT tab to:
- Call to an
import { Component } from "//";
tag: "file-navigator",
view: `
{{# for(child of this.children) }}
<li class="{{child.type}} {{# if(child.hasChildren) }}hasChildren{{/ if }}">
{{# eq(child.type, 'file')}}
📝 <span>{{}}</span>
📁 {{entities(child)}}
{{/ eq}}
{{/ for }}
ViewModel: {
rootEntity: {
default: () => {
return rootEntityData;
Make the data observable
The problem
For rich behavior, we need to convert the raw JS data into typed observable data. When we change the data, the UI will automatically change.
Things to know
DefineMap.extend allows you to define a type by defining the type’s properties and the properties’ types like:
import { DefineMap } from "can"; const Person = DefineMap.extend("Person", { name: "string", age: "number" })
This lets you create instances of that type and listen to changes like:
const person = new Person({ name: "Justin", age: 34 }); person.on("name", function(ev, newName) { console.log("person name changed to ", newName); }); = "Kevin" //-> logs "entity name changed to Kevin"
DefineMap supports an Array shorthand that allows one to specify a DefineList of typed instances like:
import { DefineMap } from "can"; const Person = DefineMap.extend("Person", { name: "string", age: "number", addresses: [Address] });
However, if
wasn’t immediately available, you could do the same thing like:import { DefineMap } from "can"; const Person = DefineMap.extend("Person", { name: "string", age: "number", addresses: [{ type: function(rawData) { return new Address(rawData); } }] });
The solution
Update the JavaScript tab to:
- Define an
type and the type of its properties. - Create an instance of the
type calledrootEntity
- Use
to render the template
import { Component, DefineMap } from "//";
const Entity = DefineMap.extend("Entity", {
id: "string",
name: "string",
parentId: "string",
hasChildren: "boolean",
type: "string",
children: [{
type: function(entity) {
return new Entity(entity)
const rootEntity = new Entity(rootEntityData);
tag: "file-navigator",
view: `
{{# for(child of this.children) }}
<li class="{{child.type}} {{# if(child.hasChildren) }}hasChildren{{/ if }}">
{{# eq(child.type, 'file') }}
📝 <span>{{}}</span>
📁 {{entities(child)}}
{{/ eq }}
{{/ for }}
ViewModel: {
rootEntity: {
default: () => {
return rootEntity;
Test it
Run the following the Console tab: "Something New";
You should see the page change automatically.
Make the folders open and close
The problem
We want to be able to toggle if a folder is open or closed.
Things to know
DefineMap can specify a default value and a type:
import { DefineMap } from "can"; const Person = DefineMap.extend({ address: Address, age: {default: 33, type: "number"} });
DefineMap can also have methods:
import { DefineMap } from "can"; const Person = DefineMap.extend({ address: Address, age: {default: 33, type: "number"}, birthday: function(){ this.age++; } });
Use {{#if(value)}} to do
branching in can-stache.Use on:EVENT to listen to an event on an element and call a method in can-stache. For example, the following calls
when the<div>
is clicked.<div on:click="doSomething()"> ... </div>
The solution
Update the JavaScript tab to:
- Add an
property toEntity
. - Add a
method toEntity
import { Component, DefineMap } from "//";
const Entity = DefineMap.extend("Entity", {
id: "string",
name: "string",
parentId: "string",
hasChildren: "boolean",
type: "string",
children: [{
type: function(entity) {
return new Entity(entity)
isOpen: {type: "boolean", default: false},
toggleOpen: function(){
this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;
const rootEntity = new Entity(rootEntityData);
tag: "file-navigator",
view: `
<span on:click="toggleOpen()">{{}}</span>
{{# if(isOpen) }}
{{# for(child of this.children) }}
<li class="{{child.type}} {{# if(child.hasChildren) }}hasChildren{{/ if }}">
{{# eq(child.type, 'file') }}
📝 <span>{{}}</span>
📁 {{entities(child)}}
{{/ eq }}
{{/ for }}
{{/ if }}
ViewModel: {
rootEntity: {
default: () => {
return rootEntity;
When complete, you should have a working file-navigation widget like the following CodePen:
See the Pen File Navigator simple [Finished] by Bitovi (@bitovi) on CodePen.